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The student news site of ADM High School

Black & (Red)gister

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The student news site of ADM High School

Black & (Red)gister

The student news site of ADM High School

Black & (Red)gister

Kylee Luther

Kylee Luther, Reporter

My name is Kylee Luther, I am a senior at ADM High School. I am in involved in basketball, soccer, and NHS. I wanted to be in Journalism because I love to be involved and hear about what’s going on with sports, activities, and ADM people. My goal in this class is to find and listen to amazing stories at ADM, and improve my writing along the way.

All content by Kylee Luther
Saving Lives, Round Two

Saving Lives, Round Two

Kylee Luther, Reporter
February 23, 2017
On Sunday, more records were broken in one game than ever before! With the Atlanta Falcons and New England Patriots going helmet to helmet, the game started off showing Atlanta to win, yet New England pulled out with the win. Not only did the biggest comeback in Super Bowl history occur, and the only overtime the Super Bowl had seen, individual records were broken and tied. Over thirty records were broken or tied at Super Bowl 51.

Record Breaking Sunday Night

Kylee Luther, Reporter
February 8, 2017
Injuries can happen anywhere, at anytime; nobody expects them and nobody wants them. Going up for the 2-point layup, Larson shows he has gotten back off his injury 100% winning their rivalry game. No matter how good or bad you may be, injuries can happen, so be careful and smart when you play.

Injury Prone Tigers

Kylee Luther, Reporter
February 6, 2017
Celebrating all their accomplishments of the multiple solo and team dances, the ADM Dance Team smiled and screamed the day away! They have been working towards major accomplishments to bring a spotlight back their name. The girls were able to take home a total of seven awards on Saturday!

The Dance Team Strikes Again

Kylee Luther, Reporter
January 24, 2017
Blood Drive

Blood Drive

Kylee Luther, Reporter
October 20, 2016
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