Luther: ✌🏼out ADM

Throughout my year as a student journalist at ADM High School, I have learned that news is all around us and there is so much to learn at our fingertips. I have learned, also, that you can create an effective story through just pictures alone.

My biggest advice to future journalists at ADM is to have fun with your stories and be adventurous. If you have to miss a class period or two to get a story from the DeSoto Intermediate, it’s worth it! You’ll create the story you are looking for and so many memories along with it!

Overall, enjoy being a news journalist for a year because it gives you access to any type of news you want to find. Plus, you get up close with opportunities you would never get to have if you weren’t part of this newsroom. The relationships I have made as a journalist have impacted my life and could never be replaced with any other opportunity that comes my way.

It’s been real ADM newsroom.