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The student news site of ADM High School

Black & (Red)gister

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  • Check the bulletin board in the commons for new job information and opportunities.
  • Haunted Hallways is coming up. Talk to Mrs. Seidl if you’re interested.
  • Thinking about starting a club? Stop by Ms. Bedards room for support and more info
  • Check the bulletin board in the commons for new job information and opportunities.
  • Follow our Black & Redgister TikTok @blackandredgister
  • See what goes into a news site at @BLACKANDREDGISTER on Instagram
  • Learn more about your classmates by following People of ADM on Twitter (@PeopleOfADM)
The student news site of ADM High School

Black & (Red)gister

The student news site of ADM High School

Black & (Red)gister

Kaylin Dains

Kaylin Dains, Copy Editor/Website Designer

Hello, my name is Kaylin Dains and I am a senior in the 2024 graduating class. I am involved in band, cross country, theater, speech and am an avid volunteer. You may see me around the community at Fareway, where I work as an online shopper, Aheinz 57, or playing my clarinet for the marching band on football Fridays. I am a big music fan and love to share my opinions with the world (whether warranted or not). Having a space to voice my opinions and keep fellow students educated and involved is very important to me, so I decided to join News Journalism when I was a junior. This year, I would like to keep writing stories I find interesting while improving my photography abilities. I hope to go to Iowa State University after high school to pursue a Bachelors in Community and Regional Planning.

All content by Kaylin Dains
In News Journalism, tasks often seemed to pile up, but persevering enabled me to produce high-quality content for our news site. Seeing my hard work published for others to read made it all worthwhile.

Dains: Giving My All

Kaylin Dains, Copy Editor/Website Designer
May 16, 2024
The parking lot at ADM High School has become more crowded in recent years. This may be due to the increase in class sizes, the difficulty in finding alternative modes of transportation and the reliance of many students on their own cars. Devin Baker, a junior who owns a car, shared his thoughts on the matter.
"I am very reliant on my car to get me to and from places I need to go," said Baker.

The Rural Reliance on Cars

Kaylin Dains, Copy Editor/Website Designer
May 7, 2024
There are many obstacles that readers face when choosing classic books. It can be challenging to get past the difficult language and historical references. Even your book choice can significantly impact your ability to continue reading. While these challenges may put off some readers, the ones who persevere will reap the benefits of classic books.

Becoming a Classic Book Reader

Kaylin Dains, Copy Editor/Website Designer
April 23, 2024

How to Make Homemade Bread

Kaylin Dains, Copy Editor/Website Designer
April 16, 2024
April 2024 Teacher of the Month: Becca Cassel

April 2024 Teacher of the Month: Becca Cassel

Kaylin Dains, Copy Editor/Website Designer
April 7, 2024
Jacque Seidl, Jaclyn Vander Waal and Emma Bedard, the three ADM speech coaches, have been working tirelessly to provide a good experience for all of the guests that will visit ADM during the individual state speech competition. One aspect of this preparation has involved organizing the packets for all of the judges and making the signs so that the guests know where they are going.

ADM Hosts 2024 Individual State Speech Competition

Kaylin Dains, Copy Editor/Website Designer
February 27, 2024
Being neurodiverse in high school brings its own unique challenges to students everywhere. Through my own journey with my disabilities, I have found sensory aids to be extremely helpful in providing a safe environment for my schooling.

Being Neurodivergent in High School

Kaylin Dains, Copy Editor/Website Designer
January 29, 2024
This statue in Washington DC memorializes Martin Luther King Jr. This is just one of many ways American citizens have shown their appreciation for the work of MLK in the civil rights movement.

What is Martin Luther King Jr. Day?

Kaylin Dains, Copy Editor/Website Designer
January 13, 2024
January 2024 Fine Arts Student of the Month: Owen Embree

January 2024 Fine Arts Student of the Month: Owen Embree

Kaylin Dains, Copy Editor/Website Designer
January 10, 2024
Vibrant Music Hall is a new venue that can change the way that the surrounding area will get to experience music. It is clean, professional and proved to be a great place to watch a musical performance.

Vibrant Music Hall Review

Kaylin Dains, Copy Editor/Website Designer
December 4, 2023

[Video] My Curly Hair Routine

Kaylin Dains, Copy Editor/Website Designer
November 21, 2023
What It Feels Like to Be an All-State Musician

What It Feels Like to Be an All-State Musician

Kaylin Dains, Copy Editor/Website Designer
November 16, 2023
On October 25th, I got my first tattoo at Warrior Tattoo Studio in Waukee. The staff was friendly, and my tattoo artist, John Hintz, explained the most important things to know about getting a tattoo.

10 Things You Should Know Before Getting a Tattoo

Kaylin Dains, Copy Editor/Website Designer
October 31, 2023
Spanish teacher Jodi Baier is one of several teachers in the ADM school district that will not be returning for the 2023-2024 school year. Baier isn't positive about what her future entails, but she knows that skills from teaching will follow her. 
"I have learned how to multitask and be in tune with people's reactions. I have a good sense for reading students, and I think I will be able to use that in my next opportunity."

The Loss of ADM Teachers

Kaylin Dains, Copy Editor
May 18, 2023
Planning and collaborating together, Delaney Kahler, Kate Weieneth  and Allison Blum discuss the Toilet Papers for the week. Kahler says she enjoys  working with her peers because they create cool things and she gets new ideas. The News Journalism class prides itself on creating unique stories through their teamwork.

Scholastic Journalism Week at ADM

Kaylin Dains, Copy Editor
February 20, 2023
When it comes to fast fashion, a big portion of the problem comes from over consumption. Buying, wearing and then tossing them aside, people buy clothes at dizzying rates. Those clothes often end up in landfills or in bodies of water, growing the steady amount of waste on the Earth.

The Danger Behind Fast Fashion

Kaylin Dains, Copy Editor
January 30, 2023
A turntable is surrounded by a vinyl collection. This is just some of Sydney White's expansive music collection.

The Joy Behind Physical Music

Kaylin Dains, Copy Editor
January 15, 2023
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