No Shave November


Thirty days. No shaving.  Could you do it?

No Shave November is an annual event that, according to a recent poll for students, 65% of ADM’s students participate in.  The name itself is pretty explanatory, but what exactly is the purpose?

Many people believe not shaving for a month is something people do for no reason, and in most cases that’s true.  Little do people know, No Shave November is an event AND an actual organization.  The organization promotes growing and embracing your hair to produce awareness for the hair that many cancer patients lose.  You then donate the money you would’ve spent on razors or shaving cream to the Prevent Cancer Foundation, Fight Colorectal Cancer, St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital, or any other foundation you’d like.

Is going the whole month difficult to do?

Physically, no, although, it’s different for both girls and guys.  Guys can get away with growing a beard and mustache for a month, yet girls may get ridiculed if their legs go unshaven for a month.

What’s my personal opinion on No Shave November?

I say, if you’re debating whether or not to participate… do it.  You don’t have to donate money, you can simply do it just because.  This lack of motivation to shave can save water, money, and time.  Plus, with it being November and ADM having a dress code, girls will probably be wearing long pants so no one will see your leg hair anyway.  Guys, just own it and grow that beard.

Next year, don’t be afraid to join in. Whether it be going to sporting events, being in plays, doing your homework, or not shaving for a month, here at ADM we embrace, accept, and appreciate your participation.