Teacher Feature: Becca Cassel

Meet Becca Cassel, one of ADMs newest additions to the teaching staff. Cassel is the new choir director. This is Cassel’s first year at teaching at ADM but her sixth year teaching overall (plus two years where she taught private piano and singing lessons).img_2609

Cassel graduated from Lawrence University, a private college in Wisconsin. She has taught private vocal lessons at Quaker for two years, Southeast Polk for four years and in Lacrosse, Wisconsin for two years.

“The staff has been very welcoming and the students have been very adaptive to having a new teacher around and they all have been very willing to work and learn with me,” said Cassel.

Cassel is looking forward to the school year and watching the ADM choir program grow. She is excited to see the younger generations grow up and see what the future has in store for the future and for the program itself.

The first choir concert she’ll lead for ADM is Tuesday, October 18.