September Fine Arts Student of the Month: Chris Aukes
Photo by Paul and Tammy Bunkofske
September’s Fine Arts Student of the Month: Chris Aukes
Chris Aukes has been nominated as one of the Fine Arts Students for the Month of September. Chris is the daughter of Tracy and John Aukes, and she has been nominated for her participation in the marching band.
Chris is a senior this year and has been involved in band since fifth grade. She has marched all four years of high school. Other fine arts activities she has participated in include theater and journalism. From these activities, she has learned how to work with others and how to be a leader. Within those activities, she has been Editor-in-Chief of the journalism staff, part of the Thespian society, and a drum major for the past two years.
When asked why other people should join these Fine Arts activities, Aukes said, “It is a fun family environment that really expands your horizons.” Chris is honored to be a Student of the Month and feels she has been given this recognition because she has taken on leadership opportunities such as being a drum major for Marching Band.
In honor of her achievements, Kiwanis of Adel has donated $50 to the ADM Scholarship Foundation.