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The student news site of ADM High School

Black & (Red)gister

  • Interested in summer journalism camp? Stop by Mrs. Basinger's room for more information.
  • Seniors: all six volunteer hours are due by May 2.
  • NHS has rescheduled the blood drive for 3/24. Make sure to sign up if you're able to donate.
  • Seniors: make sure to submit your ADM scholarship by March, 7 at 3:30
  • New on Fridays: Chick-Fil-A Chicken Sandwiches now being served at lunch
  • Check out the monthly news program "Black & Red TV" in the category above
  • Be sure to double check where you are supposed to go for power hour, if you attend the wrong class, you will be given a detention.
  • Submit your work to Roar! literary magazine using the link in the daily announcements or flyers around the school.
  • Learn more about your classmates by following People of ADM on Twitter (@PeopleOfADM)
  • See what goes into a news site at @BLACKANDREDGISTER on Instagram
The student news site of ADM High School

Black & (Red)gister

The student news site of ADM High School

Black & (Red)gister

Kirsten Abbas

Kirsten Abbas, Reporter

As a senior at ADM, this is my second year at the Black & Redgister. I joined because I’ve had an interest in journalism since I was little; my dad used to write for the Dallas Country newspaper. I came back this year because I’m excited to see how the website and social media will change and grow from where it began a year a go.

All content by Kirsten Abbas
The Wall of Fame was placed in the middle school commons to feature the best and brightest of ADM students. John DenHerder, Elizabeth DenHerder, Chloe Spoonemore, Marissa Meadowcroft, and Emma Riker's photos will be added for going above and beyond in their respective activities.

Wall of Fame

Kirsten Abbas, Reporter
May 16, 2017
As the Globe Turns...

As the Globe Turns…

Kirsten Abbas, Reporter
January 11, 2017
Lions Club Speakers 2016

Lions Club Speakers 2016

Kirsten Abbas, Reporter
November 7, 2016
2016 Needs a Lasso of Truth

2016 Needs a Lasso of Truth

Kirsten Abbas, Reporter
November 3, 2016
This Week in World News

This Week in World News

Kirsten Abbas, Reporter
October 13, 2016
LSB Under Construction

LSB Under Construction

Kirsten Abbas, Reporter
October 11, 2016
ADM Hall of Fame

ADM Hall of Fame

Kirsten Abbas, Reporter
May 19, 2016
New Wing Opens

New Wing Opens

Kirsten Abbas, Reporter
May 2, 2016


Kirsten Abbas, Reporter
April 19, 2016

An Open Letter

Kirsten Abbas, Reporter
April 8, 2016
Not What You Think It Is

Not What You Think It Is

Kirsten Abbas, Reporter
February 18, 2016
Pops Concert Lineup 2016

Pops Concert Lineup 2016

Kirsten Abbas, Reporter
February 12, 2016

Book Review: Room

Kirsten Abbas, Reporter
February 10, 2016
Lotto Date Cast Announced

Lotto Date Cast Announced

Kirsten Abbas, Reporter
January 22, 2016
People of ADM

People of ADM

Kirsten Abbas, Reporter
January 22, 2016
Movie Review: The Martian

Movie Review: The Martian

Kirsten Abbas, Reporter
January 6, 2016
Movie Review: Woodlawn

Movie Review: Woodlawn

Kirsten Abbas, Reporter
December 18, 2015
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