Aaron Teckenburg: Athlete of the Month

Photo by Nick Lingren

Aaron Teckenburg, ADM senior, on the course.

April’s Golfer of the month goes to the Varsity golfer, Aaron Teckenburg.

The son of Trina Jorgenson and Garrick Teckenburg is an ADM Senior, nicknamed Teck. Although he golfed all four years for his ADM high school career, he has been golfing ever since he can remember.

When asked what he loves most about the sport he plays, Aaron replied, “I love how I can play golf for the rest of my life, and how relaxing playing is.”

Athlete of the Month means a lot to Teckenburg because it shows just how much hard work and dedication he has put into the sport. Aaron believes he has earned this title from the senior leadership he has shown, along with setting a standard for the underclassman.

This is Teckenburg’s last year on the course in an ADM uniform so wish him a congratulations if you see him.