Teacher Feature: Get to Know Harrell

Due to the recent resigning of Alyssa Amundson, we were able to have Kristen Harrell join the ADM school district! Harrell is the new Family consumer science teacher. She lives in Des Moines, and when she is not teaching you could find Harrell doing many outdoor activities such as hiking, spending time with her dog or doing things that involve food or cooking.  This is her second year teaching, she spent her first year teaching in Sheboygan Wisconsin teaching 6,7th and 8th graders. She loves teaching food classes, not only because she loves food, but she loves seeing the students being able to do hands on things, cook & enjoy the things they get to make during class. Harrell loves the ADM school district, loves the students, and her fellow teachers. Everyone is kind and inviting, and there is always great spirit here at this school!