How Soon is Too Soon for Christmas?

It’s almost Thanksgiving, which means Christmas is fast approaching. However, stores have already put up Christmas decorations and music and kids are busting out their Christmas socks and sweaters and theatres are playing Christmas movies. Does ADM believe it is too soon to be celebrating Christmas or that the Christmas spirit appropriate to celebrate any time?
According to our Twitter polls, 55% of people at ADM wait until after Thanksgiving to celebrate Christmas and only 9% of people have put up Christmas decorations. However, 33% of people have worn festive socks already and 62% of people think it’s okay to put up Christmas trees.
When students were asked about how soon is too soon for Christmas and when it’s appropriate to start celebrating, the answers were varied. “One holiday at a time. I’m limiting us to one holiday,” said Sarah Briley. Similarly, Seth Entriken said that it’s appropriate to celebrate Christmas after Black Friday. Mr. Krause, “The simple answer is the day after thanksgiving. The slightly more complex answer is set on family traditions. If you were to set up an xmas tree as a family after thanksgiving dinner, that’s okay. Other than that, celebrating christmas before thanksgiving should be punishable with jail time.” However, Mrs. Bedard has said she already put her Christmas tree up. “Right now. Every time is Christmas time,” said Emily Meiners. Emma McAdon said, “Right now, I’m celebrating Christmas right now.”
In conclusion, everyone celebrates Christmas at their own pace. A lot of people have already begun celebrating, but others are very passionate that Thanksgiving shouldn’t be forgotten and celebrated first. Whatever you believe, happy holidays!