Katie McGee-October Cheerleader of the Month


Katie McGee- October Cheerleader of the Month

Katie McGee is the October Cheerleader of the Month. She is the daughter of Jen and John Mcgee. As a senior, Katie has been cheerleading all four years during her high school career.

“I love the girls and everything about the team, all of the positivity and support for each other,” she said.

Katie never suspected being an Athlete of the Month. To McGee being an athlete of the month is an honor and credible due to her positivity and always keeping her head held high. During her season she works really hard for competitions and tries to reach everyone’s goals as a team.

As a senior, she describes herself as someone to go to and will always listen creating a great relationship while cheering for the underclassmen.

In recognition of her achievements, Mike’s Adel Power Equipment donated $50 to the ADM Scholarship Foundation.