Sydney Engleman – September Girl’s Cross Country Runner of the Month


Photo by Emma Kaney

Sydney Engleman – September Girl’s Cross Country Runner of the Month

Sydney Engleman was chosen as September’s Girl Cross Country Runner of the Month.  She is the daughter of Brenda and Mark Engleman.  Sydney is a senior this year and is one of the captains for her Cross Country team.  Sydney has been in Cross Country for 6 years now and is also apart of the track team.

“I love the team aspect and how close we all are.  Plus, running gets me in good shape,” she said.

When asked about how she felt about being an Athlete of the month she said, “It’s nice to be recognized because of how long I’ve been doing the sport.”

To Sydney, it’s an honor being Girl’s Cross Country Runner of the Month because  she’s a good leader (captain) to the team.

In recognition of her achievements, Short & Company has donated $50 to the ADM Scholarship Foundation