What It’s Like Being A Multi-Sport Athlete


Hannah Desmarais is not only a multi-sport athlete but plays multiple different sports throughout the year. One of her busiest seasons being the Spring, when she plays ADM Varsity Soccer and runs Varsity Track & Field.

“Time management, doing two sports, takes up a lot of my time; so it’s hard to manage sports and other stuff like school without getting stressed out,” Desmarais tells when asked about the hardest part of her dual sport season. Attending school all day, then adding both soccer and track after that is something aspiring dual sport athletes are going to need to adjust and get used to. Balancing all these different extra-curricular activities can be difficult for someone who doesn’t provide themselves with the right tools to be successful.

When asked about her biggest learning experience, Desmarais answer, “Over the spring season I have learned to always work hard even if it can be a lot [of work]. Doing two sports makes you really busy and can be overwhelming but I had to learn to just keep working hard and to push through.” Before deciding if the dual sport route is the one for you, self evaluate. Are you prepared to juggle academics and also athletics? Many students each year decide to commit to working hard in and out of school. It’s very durable with the right work ethic.

“Qualifying for state in soccer and track has been extremely rewarding and such a fun experience. State Track was such a great opportunity and experience and I can’t wait for state soccer,” Desmarais says was the most rewarding part. Since the interview, ADM Girls Soccer has qualified for State Soccer.  The hard work, in fact, does pay off.

To incoming and current high schoolers, get involved. Take advantage of anything that peaks your interest. You might even end up learning something new about yourself, enjoying the time you spend with new people, and making new memories.