October 2022 Football Player of the game- Week 5: Brevin Doll

October’s Player of the Game for Week 5 is Brevin Doll for the records he broke this season. This is his second time being honored for this title. Brevin is the son to Adam and Shanlyn Doll. He is a junior at ADM High School, and has been playing football his whole life.

What Brevin loves most about his football team is, “spending time with the boys and going out together on Friday nights to celebrate. It’s different than any other sport.”

Coach Carter nominated Brevin for his broken records of rushing touchdowns and 6 touchdowns in one game in the Atlantic vs ADM week. He broke the record of 5 rushing touchdowns in one consecutive game, as well as 6 touchdowns in one game.

Doll said, “Carter pulled me aside and told me if I scored a touchdown then I will break the record for rushing touchdowns and touchdowns in one game.”

Brevin already knew he would break this record if he scored so he knew it was an important thing for him. He loved that he was able to celebrate his accomplishments with his team, and it was a good moment for them all. Doll stated that, “it felt awesome to break a record, I have been working for it for a while so it feels good to have it under my belt, but this is just a number and it’s more important to me that the team is doing so well together this season.”

In recognition of Brevin Doll’s achievements, Fuller Standard Service, Inc. has donated $50 to the ADM Scholarship Foundation.