How to Relieve Sore Muscles


As spring sports startup, many athletes suffer from sore muscles. Whether running around the track, passing the soccer ball, serving the tennis ball, or hitting a home run, athletes will experience sore muscles. We reached out to the Athletic Trainer to see what steps all athletes can take to relieve soreness. Melanie from Absolute Performance Therapy describes what an athlete can do to prevent and recover any sore muscles.

1.) Rolling out muscles- This video demonstrates how to roll out!

2.) Heating- Use a heating before intense exercise to loosen up muscles and any tense areas.

3.) Icing- Ice after practice or any active event. Filling Dixie sized ice cups with water and leave them in the freezer overnight. Once frozen, tear off till the ice surface is exposed. Began to ice certain sore areas for eight minutes.

Melanie’s last statement for any dealing with sore muscles keep in mind, “if the soreness last more than 24 hours I would come in and get it checked out before it gets worse.”

Following the mentioned steps, athletes can perform to their best ability and continue to do so.