Logan Paul’s Mistake


Famous Youtuber , Logan Paul

Over the weekend of January 1st there was an uproar about the famous Youtube Vlogger, Logan Paul, and his newest video on the inside of the Aokigahara Forest, also known as, “the Suicide Forest” in Japan. Logan Paul is a very successful Youtuber with over 3 million views on his videos and receives an estimated annual income of $13 million dollars. His stardom started on the well known app Vine. Paul produces short films full of comedy and challenges. Until he went too far..

Paul and his friends visited the forest and encountered a man’s dead body. The video was intended to be humorous, but instead became disturbing and disrespectful to all audiences.

What is the “Suicide Forest”?

The forest is located on the northwestern side of Japan’s Mount Fuji. This is a place where many people choose to commit suicide due to the vastness of the trees. This area is the second most popular place to takes ones life. There is a sign before entering that says, “Life is a precious gift. Please don’t suffer along, and first reach out.” Some estimate about 100 people a year successfully taking their own lives in the forest.

What Happen’s Now?

The video has been taken down and Paul posted a couple of apology videos and Youtube also commented on the matter.

Youtube is a major part of this generation and Logan Paul is one of the many famous Youtuber’s that people watch. As of now Paul will be taking a break from his video making.

Overall, the lesson behind Paul’s misbehavior is to think about things before posting them. This one video spread throughout all social media in amounts of minutes which completely destroyed Paul’s career. Before posting something, think about the consequences behind it and how people will react to it.