Protesting America


Ever since Donald Trump got inaugurated on January 20th 2017 riots and protests have broken out all over America. They have even taken to social media tweeting “#notmypresident”. The protests started when people got upset that Hillary Clinton won the popular vote but Donald Trump won the Electoral College. Since then the riots have not stopped. The protesters have continued to riot over Trumps Supreme court nominees, his views on planned parenthood and Betsy Devos. When I asked Carter Nordman his thoughts on the protests and riots he replied,

“These rioters are still in shock that they lost. I don’t think a political party has ever suffered a loss so bad in our nation’s history as the Democratic Party in 2016. Instead of coming together and making this nation great again they would rather burn down buildings and put other citizens in harm’s way by blocking roadways. Its inefficient and childish!”

The protests and riots are still going on to this day in areas near you so if you want to join the act you can. Or if you would like to stay at home and watch you can do that too.