Unexpected Fire Alarm Monday Morning

Monday,  December 11, during the last minutes of first hour the school fire alarm went off, causing students and teachers to leave their classrooms and enter the nine-degree weather outside. According to Principal Lee Griebel, the fire alarms went off unplanned. When asked if the school knows why the alarms went off, Griebel responded, “No clue. Our buildings and grounds keeper is currently working with the alarm company to narrow down the cause.”

When alarms go off without knowing the cause, firefighters are called to the scene. This is so they can look into the ceilings with their thermal cameras in the area the fire alarm came from. This is a precaution so students are not hurt. ADM High School does have a plan for when students are forced outside in the case of a real fire on cold days, like today. We would walk across the road to the First Christian Church until the school is able to contact bus drivers and get busses to the church to then take students home.

Some students conspired that the fire alarms were caused by students vaping within the school building. This is not true.  However, the high school does also have a plan if that happens. The alleged student will be given consequences that are related to the use of tobacco on school grounds. The student would be suspended for some time along with legal punishment if called for. Even with the vape oils that do not contain tobacco, the punishment will follow that of an oil containing tobacco products, but legal punishment will not be included.