What is RISE?

7389417IowaSLI is a group of young, motivated Iowan high school students who dedicate themselves to revolutionizing student voice in Iowa’s K-12 education system. Through events and online networking, such as RISE, StuCamp, StuCamp national, and the We Are One: Student Voices Matter Rally. The organization brings together students and educators from all over Iowa to improve education through the power of student voice.

The next upcoming event IowaSLI is hosting is the RISE conference. This event takes place Saturday, November 5 from 10:00-4:00pm at Waukee High School.

IowaSLI thinks that a student’s voice is most important when it comes to education, but the students are rarely ever get asked about their education, or get asked for their input on how to better their education for themselves and for future generations.

Keynote speaker, Mary Beth Tinker will be making an appearance at the RISE conference. When Tinker was younger her and her brother got in trouble at school for wearing black arm bands in silent, nonviolent, peaceful protest to end the Vietnam War. Where she then got brought up to the supreme court, where she then fought for freedom of speech. Tinker will be speaking and answering questions.

RISE is a student voice conference that give students the chance to work with other students from across the state and share ideas and ways to use their voice to impact and change their schools and communities in huge ways. At RISE they discus any and every sort of issue that affects the students in some way, shape or form and discuss ways to resolve those issues.

Look at http://www.iowasli.org/ to register for RISE and for more information IowaSLI and on more upcoming events.