Romance Is Reading Between the Lines


How about a date with… a book? Our library gave such an opportunity for those who are in a search of a good book or just simply enjoy reading and like experiments.

All you needed is to come to the library, check out the book, read and rate it! February is coming to the end, and if you still haven’t done that, but eagerly want to try, you should visit the library.

What is the idea of a blind date?

Students pick the book they want to read from the pile of wrapped books by the subject tags that are hung on them. Students don’t know what author or title they’re getting.

“Hopefully, they are going to try out a new author that they’ve never read before,”  said Pat Melroy, school librarian.

After reading, students rate their books for the library and take picture with their “date.”  Best rated books will be sent out as a monthly email advertisement. Students will also receive a poster with their book as a reward for participating and rating.

Melroy said, “We picked all types of books: mysteries, scary stories, romance, jokes, survival. We picked mostly books that we know are good books written by good authors but they don’t get checked out a whole lot so those are the ones we try to showcase.”

The idea came to the library stuff unexpectedly.

“I saw it on Pinterest first,” said Melroy.  “We were searching and decided to try it. The thing that took the longest was wrapping them. They are really hard to decorate.”

The school library had wrapped about 60 books and by the middle of the month there were already about half left.

And although reviews are very different, overall people enjoyed this idea.

“I’ve been getting some very honest reviews. Some people liked the books and some didn’t but that’s kind of what we expected,” Melroy said.

The success of this idea encouraged the library stuff to think about making something like that again.

Melroy said, “We’ll pick a different holiday and totally will do it again.”