Photo by Janalyn Olson
Anna Walls
December Fine Arts Student of the Month: Anna Walls
Anna Walls, daughter of Rob and Danyelle Walls, is one of the Fine Arts Students of the Month for December. She is currently a junior at ADM High School, and is involved in Large Group Speech, choir, Jazz Choir, FCA (Fellowship of Christian Athletes), NHS (National Honor Society), rugby, Student Council, French Council, News Staff and is a Humanitarian Cord Participant.
Through her involvement in fine arts activities, Walls has realized her passions for music and writing. She has held positions of section leader in choir, Rugby captain, Student Council Treasurer and is a Humanitarian Cord Adviser. These roles have taught her a lot about leadership and how to work with different types of people.
Walls would recommend joining any of the fine arts activities that she has been involved in because it can be a lot of fun to be surrounded by a lot of different people who are share the same passions.
Walls says that her “Dedication and passion for the arts are being recognized” by being honored as a Fine Arts Student of the Month.
In recognition of her achievements, Lincoln Savings Bank is donating $100 to the ADM Scholarship Fund.