Photo by Racquel Gonzalez
Anna is all smiles after being pulled out of Chemistry for an interview.
Anna Kenny- May’s Girl’s Track Athlete of the Month
Anna Kenny, the daughter of Mike and Lynn Kenny, was selected to be May’s Girl’s Track Athlete of the Month.
Kenny has been participating in the sport of track since she was in the 7th grade.
“Track is a sport where you can always see improvement because you are primarily racing against yourself and your own time,” said the junior track star.
When asked what being Athlete of the Month meant to Anna, she replied with, “I think it is recognition for the hard work I put in, the hard work everyone puts in really.”
Anna Kenny believes she has been honored with this title because she is always trying to do her best and do extra in practice. She encourages her teammates and makes sure she is always there for them, especially during meets.
In recognition of Anna Kenny’s hard work, River Valley Insurance has made a donation of $100 to the ADM Scholarship Foundation.