Photo by Racquel Gonzalez
Evoy working on school work in the early hours of the morning.
Spencer Evoy: Kiwanis March Student of the Month
Spencer Evoy, daughter of Mark and Angie Evoy, was selected as one of the Kiwanis Student of the Month for the month of March.
Spencer has earned a cumulative GPA of 3.9 throughout her high school career. In the duration of her 4 years in high school, Evoy has found that her 3 favorite classes were AP Lit and Comp, AP Lang and Comp, and ADM Singers. AP Lit and Comp was mentioned because the course taught her how to “really understand writing and pull out the meanings of work.” AP Lang and Comp made the cut due to the fact that it informed her a lot about the outside world and it is always a really fun class. And ADM Singers, a select choir, is a favorite of Evoy’s because it helped her be a leader in a lot of ways and get to develop her music skills and it is a lot of fun to be around everyone in a small choir everyday.
Evoy has participated in a numerous amount of activities such as, choir, jazz choir, color guard, rugby club, theater, NHS, and speech. When asked what she has learned from these experiences, Evoy said, ” I learned how to work with other people even through our differences.”
On top of her many activities, Spencer has devoted her time to volunteering as well. Her volunteer activities include, summer camps for theater, Camp Invention, and Meals for the Heartland.
Evoy is still working on choosing her next path between two colleges. She would like to further her education within the pre-medicine field.
When asked what Spencer would advise to others on the topics of success or life, she replied with, “Work hard on your grades and being involved is important for all four grades and can help you a lot in the long run with scholarships, and other opportunities. Don’t be afraid to try something new or challenging because it can be really beneficial in the end.”
“Being Kiwanis proves to me that the work I’ve done and things I’ve strived for are worth it and mean something,” answered Evoy when asked what does being Kiwanis Student of the Month mean to you?
Evoy believes she was honored as Kiwanis Student of the Month because she is a well rounded student in academics, fine arts, athletics (kinda), leadership, and service. She tries to set an example for people and be someone people can rely on.
Due to Spencer Evoy’s hard work and achievements, Kiwanis of Adel has donated $50 to the ADM Scholarship Foundation.