What Does Your Handwriting Say About You?


Siliva Angel, Micah Moyer, Sydney Engleman, Melody VerWoert all copied the first sentence to model various handwriting styles!

Graphology is the study of handwriting used to infer someone’s character, dating back to the days of Aristotle. Experts have found more than 5,000 personality traits revealed from one’s handwriting. Many of these traits are based on the technicality of your print. Whether you dot your I’s, loop your letters, write tall, leaving space or even slant your letters to the left or right can open and define who you are based on a simple sentence.

Diving deeper into handwriting I set about interviewing many students around ADM High School asking each student to copy the sentence, “The quick brown fox jumped over the lazy dog.” This sentence provides every letter allowing the results to show each trait. Requesting the copied sentence with no questions asked, to simply copy the line. Many were skeptical and finally scribbled down the sentence. Most students felt pressured when I glanced over their work quickly finished each word.

Silvia Angel- “I like to write quickly, I just started writing in cursive for college since it would be quicker for notes. I don’t feel judged writing is a way to say what your thinking and to get homework done. When I wrote normal I felt like a teenager now when I write in cursive I feel like an adult.

Sydney Englemen- rites in pencil with curved and looped lettering. Demonstrating that she is more artistic and makes decisions wisely with accuracy. After the sentence is finished Sydney responded with, “I did not feel pressured or judge because it’s decent.”

Micah Moyer- Writes very closed and professional with heavy pressure to make the letters concise and showing his personality as organized with slow writing with focus and strength in determination.

Melody VerWoert- Writes in pencil with straight block lettering with awareness of boundaries. Writing with heavy pressure determines she is logical with her emotions and reacts quickly in situations.

Whether one dots their i’s or loops their l’s your handwriting can define you and display your character and personality.

If you want to learn more about your handwriting check out: https://www.pens.com/handwriting-infographic