Advice Column: What Do I Do If I Have No Friends?

Dear Tiger,

The question you asked has crossed almost everyone’s mind at a point in their life: What do I do if I have no friends? Whether you can’t find anyone with similar interest to you or you’re just really shy, there is always someone who feels the same way as you. Sharing a similar interest with somebody can instantly start a friendship. It can be anything from the love for a sport, video games, art, theatre, music, cooking, or even being in the same class. If you’re wondering how to find someone with a similar interest as you, it’s simple.

Joining sports teams are one of the easiest ways. You don’t even have to join a very competitive sport. Cross country, bowling, tennis, and track are really good sports, focused on the team aspect.  Another simple way to find friends is sitting with someone new at lunch. It might be scary at first, but you can become friends with someone you never expected. Mostly, you have to get involved in as many high school activities as possible.

In my experience throughout high school, getting involved in activities is the best way to meet new people and start friendships you wouldn’t have had any other way. Being involved in cross country has been a favorite part of high school for me. I met so many people with a lot of different interests but we all shared a similar one….a hate for running (most of us anyway)! Another great way I made new friends was getting outside of my comfort zone and getting involved in activities I never thought I would be a part of. Joining the school play and Speech team opened the doors to a variety of different people from all grade levels. I am not a musical person, but I joined choir my freshman year to meet new people and try something different. I am still friends with many people I met in my 5th-hour choir class to this day. So get involved in activities and go outside your comfort zone a little. Life is too short to not make memories and as many friendships as possible!


Jesse Howard