Styrofoam Plates During Lunch


Styrofoam Plates During Lunch

During our high school career, our school has recently switched to the use of styrofoam plates during our three lunch periods. Many reasons can be credited to the switch along with numerous effects from the use and in the environment.

Impacts with styrofoam use can be very harmful to the environment and human use. Styrofoam contains Benzene and Styrene. These two products have been linked to both Parkinson’s and Leukemia. Along with more health concerns comes the fact that hundreds of greenhouse gases exposed into the Earth. The heat toward styrofoam plates of containers can release many toxic chemicals. Whether it is from the heat released from the food directly or when it is heated from another source such as a microwave.

In an interview with the Head Kitchen Supervisor, she said, “the main reason we have been using these styrofoam plates is due to the shortage of staffing members.” At a serving time, a total of six servers and workers would be ideal. Normally there are five workers able to serve and wash on the normal red and black plastic plates. Currently, there are only four ladies behind the counter, this results in saving time without the plastic plates and switching to styrofoam. “When asked about her opinion on the styrofoam plates she said, “the shortage doesn’t make for a pleasant serving.” Although the staff numbers can be low, serving the students and visiting with them is her favorite part of the job. The total cost for our styrofoam plates is $21.40 for 1,000 plates although it is not completely costly, the effects on our environment can be hurtful.