Why Travel
Whether it is near or far, your heart will be captured when you travel somewhere new in the world. Faces brightening, you will find so much joy and clarity when you discover new places. Being involved in the world is a privilege that you have to embrace! Go out and enjoy new experiences, learn new things and create unique memories.
With spring break right around the corner it’s a great time to get away. If you are still chasing around the idea of leaving your hometown to go out and explore the world, here are some of the major reasons to explore.
- Excitement and Adventure
Sailing the ocean, hiking mountains, walking new streets, and trying local food are only some of the few exciting ways to be adventurous. Everyone loves revealing the unknown and being able to find new, exciting adventures that brings joy and a rush of adrenaline. Wherever you decide to travel, the discoveries of adventure will be different and have it’s own type of excitement. Let the adventure begin no matter where your travel takes you!
- Educational
Each trip you take will bring you to an entirely different culture than you are used to. You will come across differences everywhere you look. It becomes very educational because there’s so much more you can learn when it is right in front of you. The way people may act around you, or even when and what they eat, can be educational enough. On top of that you can learn to do a new sporting event or learn about a holiday you may not celebrate where you live. There are so many new things awaiting you to learn and understand.
- Five Senses
See new cultures. Smell new scents. Feel new landscapes and emotions. Hear new sounds. Taste new foods. You get to live in a completely different world for a few days when you go on vacations. It’s out of your normal day schedule, and you get to experience something you can’t where you live. New foods, languages, landscapes, clothing, and altogether new culture will give you a new outlook on the world, that you would have never even had known existed.
- Shake Things Up
Sometimes you don’t even realize the robotic lifestyle you are living in, but being able to get outside your zone and mix things up a little, can help bring some sunshine to your life. It can get super boring if you do the same things day in and day out. You need to spruce up your life and do something that will take your breath away.
- Well Rounded Human
When you are able to experience multiple places over your lifetime, you become very well rounded. This is because you experience so many things, which will educate you and make you wiser. The more you experience, the more you will learn, and the more well rounded you will become.
- Skip School
Everybody loves to get a few leisure days instead of the hard work school contains. A vacation can give you that and so much more. School can be a drag sometimes and being able to getaway for a little while is just the kind of relaxation a student needs. It can get your mind off the stress at home and let you enjoy yourself for a little while.
- Meaningful, New Relationships and New Perspectives
With each traveling experience, comes new relationships. Whether you are looking for it or not, new people will come into your life. They may not stay long, but they will leave a lasting impression. Some relationships last forever, though. Some people even get married to a person they meet across seas. There is so much to learn about other people and their ways of life, because surprisingly enough, not everyone’s life is lived out how you live yours.
- Culture/Language
Traveling 100 miles or 100 thousand miles can take you to a place with a different culture. New languages will swirl around you as you go to different places. On top of that, there is new accents too. It can be very educational to learn a new language and be able to communicate with new people. You will be able to learn so much from the people around you when you are able to communicate with them.
- Learn About Yourself
Overall, you will learn not only about the things around you, but about yourself more than anything. New experiences stir up something inside of people, and you begin to learn about things you never would have known if you stayed in your home town. So many things can happen when you travel, and sometimes you find something inside yourself that tells you to stay, and move there for a couple years. This is also the time that you become relaxed and driven away from the worry of the world, so anything about yourself can be learned because you aren’t focussing on the stress of your job, family or friends.
- Cool Stories
When you go to a new place and then come back home, everyone wants to hear what happened to you while you were gone. You get a lot of attention and get to show off all the fun you had on your new adventure. Along with that, each person has a different experience, even if you go to the same place. Unique things can happen to you at just one location, so don’t miss out on your unique experience.
- Just Because You Can
There’s nothing standing between you and the places you want to experience. Plus you probably owe it to yourself to just relax, even for just a few days. You can do anything you set your mind to, so go out there and experience the world around you.
Whether it’s near or far, traveling can be a great experience that you will never forget. You only have one lifetime to enjoy, so travel the world and create new experiences.