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February 2024 Wrestling Cheerleader Athlete of the Month: Addison Kuonen

February 2024 Wrestling Cheerleader Athlete of the Month: Addison Kuonen

Addison Kuonen has been chosen as February’s Athlete of the Month for participating in wrestling cheer. Addison is a senior and daughter of Ashley and Chris Kuonen.

Kuonen has been involved in cheerleading since she was in 7th grade but began cheering for wrestling during her freshman year. She has greatly enjoyed the time she has spent in the sport and her connections with the other cheerleaders. “I love the community of the sport and how I feel like I am part of the team. I love the girls that are in the sport with me.”

She believes she was given this title because of the hard work she has put into the team. “I am honored since I have been in this sport for a long time and have grown to love it. I believe I have always done the most I can to contribute as much as I can,” Addison shared.

In honor of her hard work, Adel TV and Appliance has donated $100 to the ADM Scholarship Foundation.

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