March Golfer of the Month: Emma Mellencamp
Photo by Heather Schroeder
Emma Mellencamp Senior Photo
Emma Mellencamp is the daughter or Christina and Jeff Mellencamp. Although Mellencamp has been on the ADM golf team since her freshman year, she has actually been golfing since she was 5 years old. She thanks her father and is very grateful for teaching her the art of golf.
“Golf is very different than other sports because it is self paced and you really have to rely on yourself. There is no one to fall back on when you mess up, you just keep playing,” said Mellencamp.
When Mellencamp was asked why she believed she was honored with this recognition, she attributed it to, “The time I put into the program. Any high school sport is a commitment, but with golf, it is extra important to go out by yourself, aside from practice. You can’t improve without practice, and that is where my improvement comes from.”
Mellencamp is honored to be recognized for her accomplishment, and because of it, the Adel Lion’s Club will be donating $100 to the ADM Scholarship Fund.