September Kiwanis Student of the Month: Sarena Gibson
Photo by Aaron Teckenburg
September Student of the Month Sarena Gibson
Sarena Gibson, daughter of Russ and Renee Gibson, is one of the September Kiwanis Students of the Month. Gibson has a GPA of 4.024, her favorite classes are AP Studio Art, Intro to Ed and Digital Photography. She likes these classes because they allow her to be independent and are very interesting to her. Gibson is planning to attend the University of Iowa and plans to major in Illustration.
Outside of class, Gibson is involved in Academic Decathlon, Student Council, Speech, Art, Thespians and NHS. She volunteers at the Des Moines Playhouse with their pre-intern program. Her advice to others for success in school is “Manage your time very wisely, and try to find time to take breaks for yourself. I think it is important to make sure you don’t get overwhelmed with your schoolwork.”
Gibson says it is a huge honor and it means a lot to be nominated. She thinks she was nominated because of how many activities she participates in and because of her academic achievements.
In honor of her achievements, Kiwanis of Adel has donated $50 to the ADM Scholarship Foundation.