While: Positivity is Key
May 19, 2020
Photo by Cameron While
Posing with Editor-in-Chief Grace Hatchitt during a story ideas brainstorm. This many of the fun things you get to do during this class.
I never intended to join News Journalism at all my senior year. I wanted an easy senior year and I needed to add another class to be a full-time student so I decided on News. This was the single best decision of my life other than working for the YMCA. Joining the news staff was something that brought a lot of changes and taught me so many new skills that I can use in my writing and in the real world. The newsroom was a safe space and you could trust everyone, all of the staff were positive and it was just a welcoming place to be where you could share ideas and get help with anything that you need. I learned the importance of deadlines and how easy it can be to miss them.
I learned to be positive and look for the positives in everything as looking at other news you realize just how much sad and horrible news there is. The positive news was hard to come by and I wanted to be that person that shared that positive news. I also learned that the world doesn’t revolve around me and that everyone has something to be positive about. Good news was shared every day and it was nice to hear the positives in everyone’s lives.
Making the Friday Flash each month brought so much happiness to my life and working with such amazing people did as well. It was great to share my ideas with the whole school and to see them react to what I thought of.
The last and final thing that I learned from News is Positivity Is Key–you may try to look for the positives in life but if you aren’t positive yourself then what’s the point. If you can’t be positive then you just bring everyone else down. Some days are harder than others but that’s just the struggles of trying to be happy all the time. This Positivity Is Key mindset is something that I will carry with me into my future and use within my future classroom to let every one of my students know that this is a positive space and I will be here to support you and help you find positives in life.
Thank you to the 2020 Black & Redgister staff for putting up with me on my moody days and my good days. It was fun learning and growing with all of you and making student’s voices heard at ADM. Thank you, Mrs. Basinger, for always radiating positivity all the time and making it your mission to cheer me up when I was down and working with me to have the best possible writing. This is what I’ll miss most about ADM News and I will never forget the memories made here or that Positivity Is Key.