Photo by Kabrina Brady
How NOT to interview someone when you have a differing opinion.
Brady: How This Year Has Taught Me to Discuss Instead of Argue
I’ve always been a very opinionated person. This became a bit of a problem when I joined News Crew and it was necessary to hold back my own opinion when interviewing others because I had to train myself to listen without interjecting.
Throughout my time in News, I have learned how to write articles without underlying biases. This is a great life skill that will be very helpful in the future. Having another person look at your article and tell you if they believe it’s biased is a great way to determine if a bias is present.
Learning how to remain unbiased during interviews has also taught me how to have discussions instead of arguments with people. You and another person can disagree on a topic, but you should respect them as a person and talk through it gently. It doesn’t make their opinion right, but they still deserve to be treated with human dignity.
Being in News has helped formed my character and my interpersonal skills. I’d encourage anyone who is strongly opinionated to join News. It will give you a challenge worth accepting!