Summer Jobs
Photo by Emily Ahrens
As a summer break draws nearer many are wondering what they are going to do with all their free time. They can volunteer, hang out with friends, do nothing or get a job. Getting a job has many perks such as having something to do, getting paid, making friends and gaining experience. But, the hard part is deciding what you are interested in. Here is a list of some of the most popular jobs to give you some ideas about what you want to do.
Lifeguard. Being a lifeguard can be hard but it is very fun. To do this job you will have to obtain your CPR, bloodborne pathogens, and lifeguard certifications. Thankfully there are lifeguard courses that will have all of these certifications in one class. This is a great job for you if you love water. Jobs can be found at local pools and aquatic centers.
Nanny. Nannying can be very rewarding. You get to develop a relationship with a kid or two. There are no set requirements to become a nanny but different families might require different things. CPR certification is a great thing to have when nannying and taking a babysitting class might be helpful to learn some activities and recommendations. This job is perfect if you like kids and are responsible. Talk to other nannies and neighbors to find a job. You may also put up fliers to find a job.
Bagger or stocking shelves at a grocery store. Working at a grocery store is often a first job for some teenages. This job will teach you what it is like to be employed and how to interact with others, without having to much responsibility. There are generally no requirements, except to be 16 years old. If you want to get started in the workforce this is a good job for you. Check with your local grocery store or convenience store for job opportunities.
These are just a few jobs avaliable to students during the summer. To learn about more opportunities stop in the counseling center.