March Kiwanis Student of the Month: Brianna Powers
Photo by Faith Moyer
Brianna Powers, daughter of Frank and Wendy Powers, is the March Kiwanis Student of the Month.
Powers is a senior at ADM with a GPA of 3.5. Her favorite classes were Culinary Arts because she got to make food and eat it, as well as Health 1 because she got to watch interesting videos. She also enjoyed Algebra 2 because it challenged her and Mr. Goodale was her all time favorite teacher.
She is involved in volleyball, track, volunteer club, Student Council, yoga club, and SADD. They have helped her come out of her shell and reach out to other people and she learned how to socialize better.
Powers is attending NIACC next year and does not know what she is minoring or majoring in, but she will be playing volleyball. “Persevere even if you think you are going to fail,” is her advice to others.
Being Kiwanis Student of the Month is an honor to Powers being her hard work is paying off for her years in high school. Powers thinks she was nominated because she is a respected member of the school and her teachers think she deserved to be honored.
In recognition of Powers achievements, Kiwanis of Adel is donating $50 to the ADM Scholarship Fund.