Meet New Teachers: Emma Bedard
Photo by Abigail Croushore
Emma Bedard helps Holland Z. with her research.
Emma Bedard is a teacher in our English department. She teaches Creative Writing, English III, Introduction to Theatre, Contemporary Literature and Leadership II. This is Bedard’s first year teaching at ADM High School. Bedard’s hometown is Cedar Rapids, but she now lives two hours away from there in Waukee. Her typically morning commute “depends on the lights on Hickman.”
Bedard’s family includes her mother, father and older sister in Nashville. She just put her dog down and wants to get a cat.
Bedard attended Iowa State University. She knew she wanted to be a teacher during her senior year when she took an AP class she loved it so much.
This is Bedard’s first teaching job. She says some of the biggest differences to her are feeling that it’s your own, you aren’t borrowing someone else’s room. She said that feeling is really awesome and she appreciates having control over her own environment and having her own curriculum.
When asked about her first impression of ADM, Bedard said that she was “excited about the community that ADM fosters.” She noticed it at the interview, and she still feels so much now. She appreciates the staff and assistants and everyone caring so much about the school succeeding. She feels so welcome and feels like she’s at home teaching here.
Bedard doesn’t have official future plans, but she does want to grow in her teaching. She wants to continue to work and grow as a better teacher for her students.