Clayton Gustafson: What It’s Like to be a Swimmer
Photo by Waukee swim team directory.
Clayton Gustafson started swimming before his 5th grade school year and is still swimming today in his freshman year of high school. He is the only male ADM swimmer who is on the Waukee swim team.
Gustafson joined the swim team because of a family friend who had been on the team with him. Gustafson said that it is weird being the only male ADM swimmer, since he drives himself to practice and he gets out early some days, but he has made a lot of new friends who are his lane mates. When asked what he loves about swimming, he said, “I like being in the water. It’s a safe sport but it’s still competitive.”
Gustafson has to put in a lot of time and effort to be on the swim team. His team practices every day except Wednesday before school and every day after school. Compared to other sports, he said “If you want to be good, you have to put a lot of effort in.” His team has to participate in lifting sessions to prepare for meets on top of athletic enhancement that Gustafson is involved in at school. He also eats a lot to make up for all the calories he loses at practice.
The advice he has given to others wanting to join swim team is, “be prepared because it is really hard, but you should go for it because it’s a lot of fun.”
To know more or know when to attend a swim meet at the Waukee YMCA, the schedule can be found on the Waukee YMCA website or on the Waukee High School website.