September Teacher of the Month: Beth Knipper
Photo by Abigail Croushore
Beth Knipper showing off a big smile after finding out she’s September Teacher of the Month!
Beth Knipper is one of September’s Teachers of the Month. She was nominated by students of all different grades. One of the students that nominated her said that she “was caring and passionate about teaching, she is always understanding to all of her students.” Knipper has been teaching for a total of 12 years. This is the beginning of her ninth year at ADM. She teaches English I and high school GATE at ADM. She decided to teach English because she originally studied journalism and got burnt out on that, but she still wanted to help people and keep writing involved. She decided to teach high school GATE because she herself was a GATE kid, so she understands the needs of the “upper level” students and she wants to help them grow. Being Teacher of the Month to Knipper makes her happy because she gets to wear jeans an extra day, but it also makes her feel powerful and good to get this feedback from students.