September Volleyball Player of the Month: Brianna Powers
Photo by Lida Asilyan
Bri Powers, September Volleyball Player of the Month.
Brianna Powers is one of September’s Athletes of the Month. She is a daughter of Frank and Wendy Powers. She is one of the two seniors on volleyball team. She has been playing volleyball since 3rd grade.
“I love volleyball because I love being a part of the team. It’s very fun to have new experiences and meet new people,” Powers said.
Being an Athlete of the Month for her means putting in all the hard work is getting noticed and being a leader on and off the court.
Powers believes she was nominated for Athlete of the Month ”Probably because this is gonna be my 4th day on varsity and I’m one of the two seniors and we are both great leaders.”
In recognition of her achievements, Patrick’s Restaurant has donated $100 to the ADM Scholarship Foundation.