A Royal Love
Photo by Emma Kaney
The happy couple: Sara Boesen and Prince Harry
There has always been one thing that has been very clear with Ms. Boesen: she might love Prince Harry more than life itself. Her students know, her coworkers know, basically the whole world knows. It seems the only one who isn’t in the know is the Prince himself.
She first fell for the Prince 7 or 8 years ago. Boesen wasn’t so sure what Harry would be like at first because all of her friends were more hung up on Prince William. “You kind of hear about the royal family your whole life. When I was growing up, his brother Prince William was like the heart throb. Harry kinda took awhile to come into his own, and he did so very nicely,” said Boesen.
“Typically I’m not super attracted to red headed men, but he’s easy on the eyes,” says Boesen with a big smile on her face, “he does a lot of good work. He likes to have fun but he can be serious, which are good qualities.”
Not only does the Prince work a lot with charities but Sarah Boesen also enjoys volunteering in many different ways. Proving that they would be an amazing couple, who could work towards amazing causes together.
One would not think someone (Sara) who is so in love with someone else (Harry) would be bashful if they got the chance to meet them, yet when asked what the first thing Boesen would do if she met him, she replied, “I honestly don’t know. I’d probably shake his hand and say nice to meet you or something like that but I’d secretly want to run up and hug him.”
It’s painful when the one you love gets into a relationship with someone who isn’t you. So, imagine being in love for 7 to 8 years only to have your heart broken. Prince Harry and his fiancé Meghan Markle are getting married on May 19th, 2018, and Sarah isn’t too pleased. When asked what her opinion is on Markle, Sarah said, “Oh man. I don’t think she’s a bad person or anything but I definitely think there’s a little jealousy tension there.”
The royal wedding is only a week away now and this is what Boesen says her reaction to the engagement was, “I watch the news every morning and they did a story on it and I probably screamed like ‘NOOOOO’ then maybe sent a few snapchats to friends saying ‘well just found out Prince Harry was engaged so there goes my chances’ and then on the way to school that morning, that’s when I hit a deer. It was a bad day the day Prince Harry got engaged. I did get a new car out of it thought and my car is orange and now it’s named is Prince Harry.”
Boesen, girl, you have a week. Don’t go down without a fight. We are all rooting for you to be Mrs. Henry Charles Albert David. Don’t forget to invite us students to Kensington Palace for the wedding reception!