High School New Years Resolutions

For the New Year, I conducted a survey designed for the High School students. I sent a survey out to the whole high school, asking if anyone made a 2018 resolution, what was their resolution, did they make one for 2017, if they followed through with it, and why they failed if they did.
The students who created a New Years Resolution responded with:
- Be the kindest person in the room, learn how to drive a manual car, learn how to save money, read 20 books, GPA of a 4.0, attend 2 concerts, and eat clean.
- Spread the Magic of Friendship across the land
- Stop drinking pop
- Get more sleep
- Get stronger
- Pray more
- Love theirself more
- Work out more, eat healthier and write more often
- Drink more water
- Work out every day, try to make healthier food choices, and attempt to organize their life more.
- Be happier
The number one reason why 2017 resolutions fell through for the high school students is that they did not make one and or forgot to follow through with them.
Looking into the new year some ways to make and follow your resolution is by picking a resolution that is meaningful to you. One that is specific, simple, not out of reach, and or measurable. Make your resolution(s) something you are excited to chase and accomplish. Ways to remember and follow your resolution would be by iPhone reminders, writing down your resolutions on a calendar, sticky note or wherever you will see it every day. As well as asking your friends to help you stick to it, teamwork! Finally, stay motivated and keep a positive outlook for yourself and the new year!