Parker DePond – November Fine Arts Student of the Month
Photo by Racquel Gonzalez
Parker DePond smiling during SSR
Parker DePond is one of the two students selected for November’s Fine Arts Student of the Month. Parker is the son of Cindy and Gary DePond.
As a junior, DePond has participated in basketball, play, and Speech and taken on a role in the Thespian Troop. On the topic of lessons learned from each of the activities, DePond said,” Basketball showed me I can go farther than I ever thought I could mentally. I learned how to convey emotions to the audience through play.”
DePond encourages others to join play because of the community and bond with castmates. “It’s different than sports,” he said.
“The time I put in paid off,” is how he describes what being Fine Arts Student of the Month means to him.
DePond believes he was honored this month because of the help he provides for the newer members.
Lincoln Savings Bank donated $50 to the ADM Scholarship Foundation in honor of Parker DePond’s achievements.