Engaged in the Art Room
Photo by Rachel Suarez
Newly engaged Luke and Kim just ten minutes after the proposal.
Friday the 13th might illicit a creeped-out shudder in most individuals, but for Luke Huen and Kimberly Wilderdyke, that date, at 1:14 pm specifically, is when they got engaged–in ADM High School’s art room, of all places.
Huen purportedly blindfolded his soon-to-be fiancé and led her to the car. He then drove around aimlessly for “like an hour” to confuse her, as the school is only three minutes from her house and she could have guessed where she was.
“He kept saying it was an important place, and I’m like, I don’t know anything that is this far away!” Wilderdyke said.
While she admitted to knowing he was going to propose beforehand, the art room was a special surprise. “But why there?” one might ask. Well, according to Huen, “We probably wouldn’t be dating if not for the high school art room… A majority of my high school career was in [that room].” As was Kim’s.
It’s been an exciting few weeks for ADM that’s for sure; one week, a bomb threat, but the next, an engagement between two artistic alumni. Hopefully, Friday’s good luck (despite it being the 13th) will continue.