Borst: Why Accepting The Job I Didn’t Plan Was The Best

Herron Stables, located in Van Meter, is a boarding and training facility. This barn is where my pony is boarded and where I currently work.
In February 2017 I bought a three-year-old pony that would be staying at a barn in Van Meter for training. Without really applying or asking for a job, I ended up working there, cleaning stalls and feeding horses. Although it wasn’t planned, I’ve learned a lot. Here are some of the biggest reasons why working here has been one of the best decisions I’ve made this year:
- I’ve learned to operate a lot of different modes of transportation. I came into this job knowing how to drive a car. According to my family, that was even questionable sometimes. Now, I have no problem hopping on the tractor, running the incredibly hard to start Gater or finding the mule to haul hay.
- I know A LOT more than I did. I came into this job feeling I knew a lot about horses. After my first week working at the barn, I realized I didn’t know as much as I thought I did. I was learning about training, conditioning, fitting of equipment… way more stuff than I ever thought I would learn.
- I’m getting FIT. Seriously. Cleaning over 50 horse stalls every weekend and a few times a week whips a girl into shape quick. By the end of the summer I’m probably going to have 0% body fat – or be able to eat a lot more McDonald’s french fries.
- MONEY. I might not be getting paid the traditional way (I’m working off my horse’s board, training and show fees), but I’m saving a ton of money!
- I get to be around my favorite animal. Working in a horse barn takes a serious love for horses. They’re dirty, smelly and sometimes really naughty… but I love getting to work around them and be in a barn so often.
- Outside! When I’m at work I’m outside and I love being outside. My last job was in an office setting and it wasn’t what I loved doing. Outside is the place I want to be.
In my short time at the barn, I’ve realized sometimes the job you didn’t expect is the job you will really love. If you’re facing possible employment somewhere you haven’t planned or expected, I encourage you to take the job and try it out! You never know, you might find your passion.