The Millennial Post
The 2016 election was significant for the emergence of social media as a powerful tool in the disbursement of information. Take Breitbart for example, the website FiveThirtyEight reports, “In October 2014, before “Trump for president” was a glimmer in our collective eye, Breitbart News ranked 27th in the general news category of websites, with about 8 million visitors …… Breitbart’s traffic numbers hummed along for much of the next few months, with its share of the general news market audience — visitors to sites such as CNN and Fox News — remaining anywhere from 3.5 percent to 4.6 percent. (This doesn’t mean those Breitbart visitors only visited Breitbart.) But then in June of 2015, the same month Trump announced that he would run for president, the site saw an uptick — it was read by 5.7 percent of the general news audience and went on to take a full 6 percent in July. By November it was at 7.8 percent. Last month, Breitbart traffic was at 9 percent of the market, with 18 millions visitors.” A news organization that was barely known skyrocketed to to the top of the charts. Many others saw the lack of quality reporting during the election and decided to do something about it.
Josh Gremillion, of Houston Texas, started The Millennial Post observing that Millennials were not well represented within the media. With very little money, experience or help, the online news outlet has gained much attention in just the past few months with its creation on January 1st. On Facebook alone the MP has gained 51,572 likes in two months (with 54,945 following the page). That is close to 1,000 likes per day. 1,865 follows on Instagram, and 3,764 followers on Twitter. With those three outlets alone, the MP has 57,201 followers. That does not include the use of Snapchat or other social media outlets the MP uses daily. Keep in mind, the MP is barely 2 months old.
Something that sets the MP apart from other start ups is their ability of graphic designs and

videoediting. I asked three students to grade the design of their facebook page on a scale from 1-10 (10 being the best) they graded it a 27/30; a 90% approval. The MP also creates many videos (100 in the last 55 days). The MP have proven that they know how to reach people through a variety of techniques including video, live streams, Infographics, and photos.
Check out this MP’s video:
I contacted Josh Gremillion, President and Co-Founder of MP, and asked him a series of questions. Although Josh is formally a member of Students for Trump, he says the news outlet is unbiased. When asked why he decided to create the online publication he said, “We were so impressed with President Trump’s campaign and that inspired us to start our own news outlet.”
Currently the MP runs with a staff of around 25 people. With the mainstream news outlets dominating the airwaves, radio, and online with their outlets, it’s hard for start ups to gain attention. I asked Josh how he competes with the mainstream he said, “We are doing our own thing and providing news from a millennial perspective.”
The Millennial post is off to a great start and looks like they will continue to grow as an outlet. Their slogan is, “America’s Future Now.” The Millennial Post is committed to giving Millennials a voice in the media. This week the Millennial Post is at CPAC covering the events taking place there.
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