As many people already know, there have been multiple fatal airplane crashes so far in 2025 including the one that happened on January 29th in Washington D.C, killing 67 people in total. With spring break coming up, many travelers are feeling anxious about flying for their vacations. Let’s learn about what the students of ADM have to say about all this.
Along with the aforementioned collision in Washington D.C., there have been 4 other well-known deadly crashes so far this year in the United States. A crash in Philadelphia on January 31st killed 7, one in Alaska on February 6th killed 10, one in Arizona on February 10th killed 1 and another in Arizona on February 19th killed 2.
A survey was sent out to all students at ADM High School asking a few questions regarding these crashes.
When asked if they were informed about these 5 crashes, the top response was “kind of” with 53.5%. 25.6% said “yes” and only 18.6% of respondents selected “no.”
Next, the survey asked if students planned to travel by plane for spring break, and 34.9% said they were. After that, students were asked how they felt as they prepared to fly and about the crashes in general. It’s safe to say that the responses were from all over the spectrum.
Some students seemed to be relatively unconcerned about these crashes. Bella Spreacker replied with, “I don’t really care, whatever happens happens.” Eliotte Von Roden’s response was similar. She said, “Yolo! It doesn’t change the way I feel about flying.”
Other students were slightly apprehensive about these crashes but still felt at least somewhat comfortable flying. One student, Hayden Mitchell, said, “I feel confident about the plane’s ability to transport me from place to place…it’s not every day a plane goes down.” Likewise, Reese Vande Noord said, “I think they are slightly worrying, but I don’t think it’s that big of a deal.”
Yet other students feel extremely worried about these recent accidents. This is shown in several student responses, including Zuri Moss’s. It said, “I’m not traveling by plane ‘till May, but I’m worried of anything that could happen. The crashes are starting to seem almost planned to me which makes me much more nervous to get on any flight.”
According to aviation safety experts, air travel remains one of the safest modes of transportation and is far less dangerous than driving cars. Despite the recent scares, travelers are encouraged to continue flying and shouldn’t be too alarmed.
The bottom line is that most if not all students from ADM are hoping that something will be done to prevent more of these crashes from happening. Brody Huntoon summed this up perfectly in his response: “They should fix whatever caused it to happen and never let it happen again.”