- Meditation
If your mind is feeling too crazy and loud, racing with all the notes, and knowledge you’re trying to memorize, it might be a good idea to take some time in silence. Meditation can help you decompress from your stress for some time. Whether you actually go to a meditation class, watch a YouTube video, or just sit in silence on your own, any meditative activity can be very beneficial for you.
- Sleep
Have you ever heard the saying “run away from your problems”? More like sleep away your problems. If you are feeling extremely overwhelmed, it is never a bad idea to get some rest. Getting extra sleep can also help prepare you to do better on your final assessments. As humans, we think much clearer with a rested mind.
- Eat Healthy Foods
In times when you are very busy, overworked, and stressed, eating nutritiously is an absolute necessity. Eat foods that will fuel both your body and your mind, incorporating a lot of protein, healthy sugars, LOTS of water, and maybe even some chocolate in your diet.
- Exercise
Sometimes it can be food to release your stress by exercising and working out. Whether you prefer long runs, weight lifting, peaceful walks, or yoga, moving your body is a great way to relieve a fraction of your stress.
- Journaling
Although you might be sick of writing from all the studying you’re doing, journaling can be a great way to remove some of the pressure and tension you are full of. Write about the things that you’re worried about, or maybe your goals. You could even write a fairytale novel if that’s what suits you.
- Listen to music
Take a break from our loud world, and step into the world of music for some time. Pull out your headphones and listen to your favorite songs. Listening to certain music can calm and quiet your mind. Music can stimulate certain parts of your brain, allowing for decreased stress and anxiety, and an increase in your mood and mental awareness.
- Do a creative activity
Oftentimes, doing something creative can help relax our minds. It doesn’t let you just be idle but doesn’t require you to do something that puts extensive stress on your body. Try coloring, painting, or even baking.
- Have a Spa day
It is quite common that when we have a lot of stress on our plates, it can be difficult on not only our minds but our bodies too. Take care of yourself by taking a nice warm bath, getting a massage, doing a facemask, or sniffing your mom’s essential oils.