Red One is a Christmas action-adventure movie that is directed by Jake Kasdan. The movie is about Santa, code name: Red One (J. K. Simmons), gets kidnapped and his Head of Security (Dwayne Johnson) has to save Christmas with the worlds most infamous bounty hunter (Chris Evans), to locate Santa Claus (J. K. Simmons) on Christmas Eve.
The movie’s budget was 250 million USD and so far it has only made 84.4 million USD globally, which is roughly 33% of what they need to make before it becomes a total flop.
I heard about the movie through watching the advertisements from watching the previews before certain recent movies, like Venom: The Last Dance.
I expected the movie to be mainly action-packed with a little bit of Christmas as a side story, however the whole movie showed parts of a Christmas folklore and characters you may have heard of. Now I won’t say who’s in the movie just to avoid spoilers, however you probably would have heard of their names within folklore surrounding Christmas.
I went to see Red One with my mother on November 16th at the 6:00 PM showing. I saw it in IMAX at The Palms Theatre in Waukee. We saw it in theatre two and it was quite packed. The movie looks like a PG movie but don’t be fooled, the movie is actually PG-13. The movie includes some swear words, so I would not recommend the movie to children under the age of 10, or who do not allow their children to watch movies with swear words in it.
Overall the movie was really good. The chemistry that Dwayne and Chris show, as lead actors, was immaculate, as well as Lucy Liu, whose character is Zoe Harlow, Director of MORA, and Dwayne’s chemistry with their characters. The epic plot twists and stories about Christmas are truly wonderful. The comedy and action really brings that action-adventure genre to a whole new level with the idea of a Christmas movie.
I’d give the movie a solid 8/10. There were things in the movie that seemed to be rushed, but overall they carried the movie perfectly.