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The student news site of ADM High School

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The student news site of ADM High School

Black & (Red)gister

The Raft: A Book Review

The Raft: A Book Review

In S.A. Bodeen’s The Raft, we are introduced to 15-year old Robie Mitchell. Robie is enjoying a break from her parents during a luxurious vacation staying with her aunt in Oahu. While she had fun lounging on the beach and getting her nose pierced, she decided it was best to return home after an aggressive interaction with a stranger on the first night. Due to disabled satellites, Robie has no way of contacting her parents to let them know she is returning home, and boards a last minute flight. Shortly after the plane takes off, the flight experiences extreme turbulence resulting in an engine failure and crash landing into the ocean. The story then follows the drastic events of survival for the only two remaining passengers, Robie and the co-pilot, Max.

I can confidently say this is one of the few books that kept me on the edge of my seat on every single page. S.A. Bodeen does an incredible job of painting a clear picture of every step of Robie and Max’s journey. The story gives the audience a glimpse of a gruesome time of survival, one that seems impossible to endure. The physical, emotional, and mental trauma is so well detailed, it’s almost like you’re put in Robie’s place to experience it with her.

If you’re not a big reader, this is a great book for you. With 256 pages, The Raft is a fast-paced book, especially since you will have a hard time putting it down. The plot twists will leave you jaw on the ground and finding excuses to finish another chapter.

“I thought the book was very good. It was so intriguing to read and there is a huge plot twist towards the end so it always keeps you on your toes!” Kate Weieneth said.

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Overall, I would rate this book a 10/10, I would highly recommend to anyone looking for a quick read, or any younger readers trying to find some brain candy.



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