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Teachers Leaving Next Year

Teachers Leaving Next Year

Next year, five staff members of our high school will be gone. These staff members teach a variety of different classes that range from helping students to teaching new languages. There will also be some new positions next year which will help better educate students in the years to come.

One of the teachers who will be leaving next year is Devon Allbee. Allbee teaches English I and II. She also taught contemporary literature and creative writing and will be going to North Carolina to teach eighth-grade English arts. She also had some advice for all teachers like herself out there. Allbee said, “Building a relationship from the get-go with students is really what benefits you the most and it makes teaching worth it too.” 

Another teacher leaving next year is Fatima Lopez, an exchange teacher. She will be going back to Spain to teach German, but here she teaches Spanish I and II. According to Lopez, her favorite class to teach is Spanish I. When asked why it was her favorite, Lopez said, “I really like how students will go from saying nothing to being able to have a conversation.”

The choir teacher, Becca Cassel is also leaving next year. Cassel is going to DCG High School to be an assistant choir director. She also had some advice for the next choir teacher to join the high school staff. She said, “Have patience with the process because change is hard for everybody.”

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Mrs. Song and Mrs. Rebel will also be leaving next year. These teachers have helped many students throughout their years at ADM and will be deeply missed by the student body. 

Next year these five teachers will be gone and new teachers will take their place. While it may be disappointing to some, the new staff will come in with their best efforts and continue the job of shaping the minds of students like the teachers in their position before.

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