Throughout history, the activities of fishing and hunting have been primarily male-dominated. Even though women have been hunters as long as hunting has existed, it is still something that is believed to be a man’s job. For a long period, it has been a popular belief that hunting and fishing are only activities in which men are welcome to participate in. Oftentimes and more specifically in the past, girls weren’t given the same opportunities to hunt and fish leisurely. Women frequently don’t get treated the same in hunting or fishing recreational spaces. This has thoroughly impacted women in communities and their decision to fish or hunt for fun. Regardless of the opinions people hold about women in hunting and fishing spaces, there is still a multitude of girls who choose to break the gender norm. There is still an abundance of girls who choose to look past what society tells them is acceptable and pursue their passions. This article will highlight experiences and opinions from girls who attend ADM High School surrounding women who hunt or fish.

Payton Taylor who often spends her time hunting feels gender stereotypes around girls’ hunting and fishing should be smashed. Taylor believes these activities are just another way for people to spend their time with the people they love. She was introduced to hunting by her father and grandpa at the age of six. Ever since then, she has continued to look forward to hunting season. Her favorite part of hunting is the suspense it gives and the tracking of the deer. She enjoys the guessing and waiting game. Taylor also loves the reward of getting to shoot a deer. For the most part, Taylor does feel accepted into hunting spaces because she is surrounded by her grandpa and dad. In other places that are outside of her own home, she thinks girls are sometimes looked down on. She’s heard things like “You’re not manly enough” or “You’re not strong enough to drag the deer into the car.” Even though she’s heard these things, this hasn’t stopped her from continuing her passion for hunting. Taylor feels it’s most important to not worry about what others think and to do what you love.

London Warmuth has been an avid fisher since she was old enough to hold a pole. She got into this hobby because she would often tag along with her father and two older brothers. Her favorite thing about fishing is getting to spend time with her family while being outside. She appreciates getting to travel to new places while getting the opportunity to fish. Warmuth believes that even though the fishing industry is primarily dominated by men, she still feels welcome to do what she loves and hopes others feel the same way. Warmuth still feels like there is some stigma around women in fishing spaces. “Even though there are more men than women that fish, I do feel like it’s becoming more acceptable for girls who participate in the activity,” Warmuth said. She advocates telling more girls who don’t feel like it’s acceptable for them to fish or hunt to look past the stigma and enjoy the activity anyway.

Hailey Johnson likes to look at girls fishing and hunting with a slightly different perspective. She truly does not care about the opinions other people hold. Johnson takes part in both hunting and fishing. Her favorite thing about hunting and fishing is never knowing what you are going to get. She also enjoys the nerves of spotting a deer or watching the fishing pole move. Johnson was introduced to fishing by her father around the age of three. As a child, she always would tag along with her father. She would help with the little tasks at a young age, however; it wasn’t until she reached the age of six that she would get to take part in the big tasks. Ever since the beginning, she has grown up to appreciate this passion more. Although she finds fishing and hunting to be a fun hobby, there is still some judgment that comes along with it. Johnson feels there are people in today’s society who look at her differently because she enjoys these activities. She has received comments like “Your dad probably got that fish for you” or “Your dad shot that deer.” Johnson has learned to look past these negative comments and continues to dedicate her time to both fishing and hunting.
Overall, girls being present in the hunting and fishing industries should become more widely accepted than it is currently. The stigma around the topic prevents women from entering new worlds. This acceptance would allow more girls to feel welcome and have the ability to pursue their interests. Speaking up and sharing stories of young girls who participate in these activities is one step closer to making it more acceptable for women to try something new.